The Newcastle and Hunter Valley Pharmacists Association (NHVPA) represents an area of 163 community pharmacies with nearly 2000 local people employed, and an estimated 11 million visits annually. This represents approximately 30,000 daily contacts within the urban and rural communities and being the most accessible primary health care provider.
The NHVPA has revised the Constitution, namely that : That the Newcastle & Hunter Valley Pharmacists association inc. may consult, work with and participate in programs or activities with other organisations such as Industry bodies, universities, government health organisations and the like to promote the profession of Pharmacy or promote better health outcomes.
The NHVPA meets every second month to conduct continuing professional development activities. NHVPA has an active membership and collaborate with the University of Newcastle’s Pharmacy Program on a number of research and academic activities.
We have an active membership and a supportive group of pharmacists who are proactive and collaborate on a number of key issues. If you are interested in being part of the NHVPA please contact the committee members.